liberty and justice for all

so I’m ticked off, which is rare, but I had to make a practical choice today that went against my ethics. I thought that shit only happened in Saw movies or The Moment of Truth tv shows. What evil could force such ethical dillemas? Nothing other than the American Justice system. Now now, I know if I lived in the Middle East someone would have cut off my hands already, as much as I’ve heard the appreciate what you’ve got argument, it’s not reason enough to “leave well enough alone” and lower our standards.  So my vent.

Some time ago I got run over. More accurately I ran into the side of an SUV that turned across my lane of traffic. Seattle charged me with reckless driving as witnesses said I was standing and driving fast. I’m sure I was standing on my pegs, as I often did in the city, as through taking the MSF onroad and offroad saftey courses I’ve learned and practice making emergency turns by flicking the motorcycle rather than leaning it over.

City offered me reckless driving of the second degree in a continuance form, that is I can’t sell drugs or pimp hoes for a year. Damn. Plus some undetermined restitution and having to take an online defensive driving course. Which is totally rad, if my bike was fixed I would have argued that they make me take an MSF safety class, that would actually teach me something, you know, but yeah.

Now I hate these situations, because I know the court system is broken. SLAPP suits succeed because of this. Being a techy I watch news on groklaw and whatnot off and on and read about the awesomeness of money and the court system. Any normal person paying attention to crap like the OJ Simpson trial gets it though. I’m ethically against participating in plea bargains when I don’t feel like I’ve done anything wrong, it just makes a system out of justice, and I know they call it a justice system, but I’d like to believe there’s something fundamental about our beliefs behind it. There isn’t. I shut my mouth, smiled, and told the judge I was cool with giving up all my rights in exchange to not being persecuited by a jury (i’d assume I wouldn’t be able to stack the jury with motorcycle riders who understand the safety implications of my actions and don’t assume that all motorcycle riders, especially those of us who ride little 225cc dirt bikes, are those kids speeding around the interstate at 100+ without armor.).

So of course I hate myself, but Mucklestone said it was the right choice and they have more experience than me so I took their advice. I guess I save a few grand too, in lawyers fees and possible fines.

And at only the cost of my ethical beliefs. Score.

1 thought on “liberty and justice for all

  1. junkmatt

    I have faced several such situations, and it is always a hard decision. I have vowed in the future to always fight for the “correct” position, but it is not easy. The system extorts the answer they want from you. If you made such a proposition to “the system” they would prosecute you for extortion, but they are exempt from such mundane ideas. It makes my blood boil, just to hear you recount your experience.

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