
so I’m lying in bed thinking (i think that’s a sign i should go to work and use my thinking for something constructive like scripting server deployments) about romanticism.

I had this sort of life altering conversation once with my father. We talk a lot, twice every week, but rarely about much substantial. Usually it’s just about the weather.. seriously. I was telling him once that he should catch a certain movie and he told me that he doesn’t like watching movies anymore because they’re all written to play on your emotions and they make him too emotional.

No shit? I fucking cry during cute previews.

But so movies have this “and they lived happily ever after” bullshit which is totally somehow the goal of romanticism even though we all know better. It’s sort of like watching a movie, or even better like watching 24, and the people never eat or sleep or go to the bathroom. When you do those things every day, you realize that they’re not doing them in this surreal drama.

But what about other hardships like being heartbroken? Nine times out of ten that’s the climax of the movie and then everything works out and they lived happily ever after. Again, they were HAPPY FOREVER. Bah, if thinking about this shit doesn’t make a pessimist, there’s probably hope for me yet.

I’m pondering my happily ever after, but I know I live in reality so I’m also pondering when I should give up on it and try to bury those feelings and desires under some kind of molten lava, or at least reason my way out of them with some logic like “it’d never work out” or whatever shit people try convince you with.

That’s it, I’m going to work.

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